The RDEK completed a review of its Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) in 2019, with the new plan being approved in January of 2020.
The goal of the review was to provide an assessment of the current system including how we reduce, reuse and recycle in the RDEK; identify the strengths of the existing system; review cost implications; and, identify opportunities for future improvement.
For reports, survey summaries, presentation materials and more, see the Documents and Downloads section of this website.
For information on the Solid Waste Management Plan Review, please contact Kevin Paterson, GM of Environmental and Engineering Services at 250-489-2791 or 1-888-478-7335 or by email
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Feedback & Surveys
Comment Form - Draft SWMP
Please share your thoughts on the Draft Solid Waste Management Plan. If you have specific sections of the plan you are referencing, please make sure to include the section or page number in your comments.
The comment period closes November 7, 2019.
Consultation has concluded and the SWMP Plan has been submitted to the Ministry for approval.
This survey is now CLOSED. Thank you to all who contributed. A summary of the survey results can be seen in the Document Library under the "SURVEY RESULTS" folder.
Waste & Recycling Costs Survey
This survey is being
undertaken as a follow-up to the general survey earlier this year, to obtain
some more specific feedback. Survey deadline: May 26, 2019.
The solid waste system in the East Kootenay is funded mostly through property taxation, with some user fees in place for select items (like construction/demolition waste and asbestos). For the provision of solid waste services, the RDEK is divided into three subregions:
- Central - includes Cranbrook, Kimberley, Areas B, C and E
- Columbia Valley - includes Canal Flats, Invermere, Radium, Areas F and G
- Elk Valley - includes Elkford, Fernie, Sparwood and Area A
All subregions provide similar levels of service. The cost to bury waste in the RDEK is as follows:
- Columbia Valley - $101/tonne
- Central Subregion - $73/tonne
- Elk Valley Subregion $144/tonne (includes the cost to haul to landfill)
Single stream (co-mingled) recycling is offered through a
widespread network of yellow bins in each community and at each transfer
- In 2018, the costs for the yellow bin were $256/tonne.
- The Kimberley Transfer Station has a Recycle BC Depot, and the RDEK is paid an average of $120/tonne for recyclables collected.
- Diversion for other materials like clean wood and metal average $53/tonne.
- The amount of waste landfilled in the RDEK averaged 561kg per person/year.
- The Provincial average was 472kg per person/year.
- The Province has established a province-wide goal to reduce the amount of waste landfilled to 350kg per person/year.
Consultation has concluded and the SWMP Plan has been submitted to the Ministry for approval.
CLOSED: This survey is now closed. We heard from over 3200 people - thank you so much to all who participated. A summary of the survey results can be seen in the Document Library under the "SURVEY RESULTS" folder.
Waste and Recycling Services Survey
We are asking for the public's input on how they use the current
solid waste and recycling systems and what they'd like to see in the
future. Survey deadline is February 25, 2019.
Consultation has concluded and the SWMP Plan has been submitted to the Ministry for approval.