
Solid Waste Management Plan Review Process Public Consultation to Begin

5 July 2019

The RDEK Board of Directors has received the draft Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) and the next step in the process is public consultation on the draft.

“The Board has had an opportunity to review the draft plan and we will now be making the plan available for the public,” explains Environmental Services Manager Kevin Paterson. “The public’s engagement and feedback has been so important to the Solid Waste Management Plan Review process since we started last fall. As we enter the last few steps in the process, that feedback continues to be important. We encourage residents to review the draft plan and share their thoughts with us.”

Because of the varied geography and combination of full time and seasonal residents, the consultation will be centered largely around the online platform at This allows residents, regardless of geographic location, to have the ability to access the same information and provide the same feedback. The RDEK will also utilize social media, local media and other channels to provide education and information. In addition to the online engagement, the RDEK will be participating in numerous community events throughout the summer and will have copies of the draft plan, comment forms and other materials available.

“Recognizing there is still a portion of the population that does not have access to computers, or that prefer face-to-face discussion, the consultation process will culminate with three subregional open houses for those that have not been able to participate online or in other formats,” adds Paterson.

The public consultation period will kick off in mid-July and is expected to run into the fall. Following the conclusion of the consultation period, feedback will be gathered and shared with the Advisory Committee and Board for consideration in finalizing the plan before it is submitted to the Ministry for approval. For more information, visit or contact Paterson at the RDEK in Cranbrook.