
RDEK Looks to Hear From Public as Part of Plan Review

14 January 2019

The review of the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan is now underway and the RDEK is hoping to residents and property owners will get involved and engaged in the process

“Dealing with our garbage and recycling is one of the RDEK’s largest budget items and these services affect every resident and property owner in the East Kootenay,” explains RDEK Environmental Services Manager Kevin Paterson. “The Solid Waste Management Plan provides the foundation for the way we deal with our waste and recyclables and this current update will guide our direction for the next several years. So, it’s really important that people get informed about the current system and share their ideas for the future.”

The RDEK has a survey open now so residents and property owners can provide input into how they use the system currently and what their priorities may be when looking to the future. Links to the survey are available on the RDEK’s website and a special project page at Hard copies are also available at the RDEK’s offices and can be mailed. The survey deadline is February 25, 2019. “We are hoping for a strong response to the survey as this will help guide the Advisory Committee, consultants and the Board moving forward,” says Paterson.

Every resident and property owner in the East Kootenay – both in municipalities and the rural areas is being encouraged to participate. “The more well rounded our feedback is, the more well rounded our plan will be,” adds Paterson.

The RDEK Board has appointed an Advisory Committee made up of public, municipal representatives, industry members, community groups and First Nations. The Committee will meet monthly over the next few months and have focused discussion on different aspects of the solid waste system. The focus for the January meeting will be on the current Transfer Stations and Operations.

For more information on the Solid Waste Management Plan review or to request a copy of the survey, contact the RDEK.