The Rockyview Official Community Plan (OCP) planning process will update the current OCP, consolidate it with the Moyie & Area OCP and consolidate the existing Wycliffe Zoning Bylaw with the Electoral Area C South Zoning Bylaw to create one OCP and one zoning bylaw for the western portions of Electoral Area C.

The planning process is now underway and community engagement and participation will be the foundation of its success.

Participatory Open Houses took place in late spring 2023. In addition, an initial survey for residents of the area closed on March 31, 2023. The survey findings can be viewed here.


An OCP is a long term, strategic planning document. OCPs provide direction and guide local government decision making related to how land is used or conserved. It contains objectives and policy statements related to a range of topics including residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, recreational, environmental, solid waste, public safety, and transportation. These policies reflect the vision of the community’s interests and serve to guide decision making by the RDEK Board of Directors. OCP policies also provide context for interagency referrals related to land use.

An OCP Will:

  • provide a blueprint for future growth and development
  • identify and promote a local vision for development and conservation within the community
  • provide direction for the RDEK Board when considering development applications
  • enable a proactive rather than reactive approach to planning
  • assist in identifying issues of importance or concern
  • assist in preventing incompatible land uses

An OCP will not:

  • change Agricultural Land Reserve regulations
  • change the ownership of Crown land
  • affect land uses existing at the time the Bylaw is adopted
  • affect existing permit requirements or other government regulations

An OCP is a living document and may be amended from time to time. Changes to the zoning or designation of property must be consistent with the OCP and may require an OCP amendment application. Amending an OCP is a public process.


A zoning bylaw governs land use and the form, siting, height, and density of all development within the plan area to provide for the orderly development of the community and to avoid conflicts between incompatible uses. Typically, there are residential, commercial, agricultural, recreational, institutional, industrial and other zones. Each zone has its own specific regulations.