
Water Outage April 27 - Timber Ridge Phase 1

27 April 2023

There will be an unanticipated water outage affecting approximately 40 homes in Timber Ridge Phase 1 tomorrow (Thursday, April 27) from approximately 8am to 8pm.

The outage is required after it was determined there is a faulty valve that needs to be replaced earlier in the construction process than planned, which necessitates a water service interruption. The contractor has handed out notices to all the affected homes. The impacted area is roughly from the intersection of Timber Ridge Road and Timber Ridge Way to Ridge Way and Ridge Close and west from Timber Ridge Road to Ridge Crescent.

For those who will be impacted, we recommend storing some water tonight that you can use for flushing, cooking, etc. during the outage.

They will work as quickly as possible to complete the needed work and restore water service.

Here is a map of the affected area: