
Project Update - September 29, 2023

29 September 2023

Construction for the Cold Spring Creek Debris Flow Mitigation Project began on September 11 and is going well so far. During the first two weeks of construction, Mackay Contracting focused on the following construction activities:

  • Mobilizing equipment and supplies to the work site.
  • Site preparation activities such as piling brush from previously fallen trees, additional tree clearing, and removal and stockpiling of topsoil from the basin and channel diversion area.
  • Excavation of the basin and diversion channel was started.
  • The temporary creek crossing upstream of the existing reservoir was installed.
  • Work began on the access road and on the spur road. The spur road accesses the left side of the barrier for construction.
  • Construction began on the weir at the upstream end of the creek diversion.

The next two weeks will largely consist of:

  • Continued excavation on the barrier and diversion.
  • Continued work on the access road and spur road.
  • Continued work on the weir.

2023 construction will continue into the fall until the weather shuts us down. There will continue to be increased traffic to and from the worksite during the construction period and the work area will be closed to the public for the duration of the project. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation!