The Fairmont Flood & Landslide Service is in place within the community of Fairmont. Within the Service Area, the RDEK has debris flow mitigation infrastructure on both Fairmont Creek and Cold Spring Creek. This infrastructure is regularly inspected and maintained as needed.

After completing a multi-phase debris flow mitigation project on Fairmont Creek in 2018, debris flow mitigation on Cold Spring Creek was identified as a priority project by the RDEK Board in its 2019/2020 Strategic Plan. The project has received significant funding: 91.5% from federal and provincial funding streams.

Construction is underway and project updates can be found below in the PROJECT UPDATES tab below.


Work has started on the outlet structure. This is a large, cast in place concrete structure and will take most of the summer to complete. Once the outlet structure is completed, the temporary diversion will be decommissioned and construction of the large roller compacted concrete (RCC) barrier will begin.

Construction will continue through the summer, including some weekend work. There will be times when there will be increased traffic to and from the site, such as during concrete pours for the outlet structure. During these times, traffic control will be in place, if necessary.

The work area will be closed to the public for the duration of the project. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation.

If there are any questions about the project, please don’t hesitate to contact the project manager at the RDEK, Kara Zandbergen at

Upcoming Related Projects in Fairmont

  • Fairmont Creek Hazard & Risk Assessment

    An RFP is out for Engineering Services for Fairmont Creek Debris Flow Hazard and Risk Assessment and Mitigations Options to update the existing Fairmont Debris Flow and Debris Flood Hazard & Risk Assessment to include recent events and constructed infrastructure, and recommend additional mitigation measures, if necessary. The cost will be covered by a grant through the UBCM's Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for this project. More info will be provided as the project begins.

  • Fairmont Guidance Project

    The Fairmont Guidance project will soon be underway. A contractor has just been hired and will develop a series of recommendations to help guide development in identified risk areas within Fairmont. Staff will be meeting with them in the next couple of weeks to officially launch the project and identify the community consultation plans, which will form part of the early stages of the project. More information will follow once details have been confirmed.



We are building a large debris flow barrier that is designed to contain between 68,000 to 90,000 cubic meters of debris flow material which is roughly a 100 to 300 year debris flow event. This project will significantly reduce the debris flow risk in the community.

There are a few key construction components:

  1. The Barrier and Outlet Structure: The barrier will be approximately 8m tall above the existing Cold Spring Creek channel with a 3m wide vertical outlet opening at the channel. The outlet will have steel bars that will capture debris but allow water to pass through. The barrier will be constructed of roller compacted concrete (RCC) which is a concrete mixture that is placed in lifts and compacted.
  2. The Creek Diversion and Basin: There will be a basin excavated behind the barrier for debris storage and the creek will be diverted into the basin and will then flow out of the outlet structure which will be located at the existing Cold Spring Creek channel.
  3. The Water Lines: The water lines that service the community are located in the project area. The lines will be reinforced and relocated as part of the project. There will be a brief interruption to the water service to the community later this fall when the new lines are tied in.
  4. The Access Road: An access road will be constructed to upstream of the barrier for both construction and future maintenance.


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