
Cold Spring Creek Project Update - June 20, 2024

21 June 2024

May and June Construction:

  • The creek diversion has been completed. This includes the permanent upper diversion channel that connects the creek to the storage basin and the temporary lower diversion which connects the storage basin to the creek channel downstream of the project. The permanent upper diversion channel will remain in place when the construction is completed. Once the outlet structure is completed, the lower temporary diversion will be removed, and the creek will flow though the completed outlet structure.
  • Some people may have noticed that the reservoir behind the dam on Cold Spring Creek has been empty for the last few weeks. This is unrelated to the project and will be the status quo for at least the remainder of the summer. The water in the reservoir is typically used for golf course irrigation and the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort is using an alternate source of water for irrigation for this summer.
  • While the low reservoir levels are not related to the project, they have impacted the project as the reservoir was incorporated into the temporary diversion plan. McElhanney and Mackay worked together to create an alternate diversion plan so that construction can continue.

Next Steps:

  • Most recently, work has started on the outlet structure. This is a large, cast in place concrete structure and will take most of the summer to complete.
  • Once the outlet structure is completed, the temporary diversion will be decommissioned, and construction of the large roller compacted concrete (RCC) barrier will begin.

What To Expect Through the Summer:

  • Construction will continue through the summer, including some weekend work. There will be times when there will be increased traffic to and from the site, such as during concrete pours for the outlet structure. During these times, traffic control will be in place, if necessary.
  • The work area will be closed to the public for the duration of the project. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation.

If there are any questions about the project, please don’t hesitate to contact the RDEK project manager, Kara Zandbergen at