For a detailed list of products that are accepted at Recycle BC Depots, CLICK HERE

For more general information on how to recycle things outside the Recycle BC program (such as oil, electronics, household hazardous wastes and medications): check out the "Recycling Directories" links in the Document Library.

To view or download information on the Household Hazardous Waste Depot: CLICK HERE

When it comes to the three Rs there is no mistake as to the order that they appear. Once you have done a great job reducing and reusing, let us help you figure out the best way to recycle. There are many different options in the East Kootenay to keep waste out of our landfills, each one having its place in making things efficient and effective.

Recycle BC Depots
Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling in BC. Recycle BC Depots (located at the Invermere, Kimberley, Cranbrook, Fernie, Sparwood and Elkford Transfer Stations) offer the greatest opportunity for keeping products out of the trash, including paper, cardboard, containers, cartons, flexible plastics, glass, styrofoam and more.\

Yellow Bins

The Yellow Bin system has been operating in the RDEK for over 20 years. Through this system we don’t have access to the same markets. The Yellow Bins accept only paper, cardboard, tin cans, grocery bags and plastics 1-6 (no styrofoam).

Municipal Curbside Programs
Invermere, Kimberley, Cranbrook and Fernie all have curbside recycling programs, check with your municipality to find out which products are accepted by your local program.

Provincial Product Stewardship Programs
When you pay an eco fee on a product, such as oil or electronics, those funds go to Provincial Stewardship Programs for their proper collection and recycling/disposal. These programs are Provincial and are totally separate from the RDEK. There are hundreds of products that can be recycled through these programs including: oil, antifreeze, paint, light bulbs, tires, batteries, cellphones, power equipment, smoke alarms, electronics, medications, small appliances and so many more.

Small Appliances
You can recycle over 300 types of electrical products at the Cranbrook Bottle Depot, Fernie Bottle Depot and Kimberley, Elkford, and Sparwood Transfer Stations. The program accepts small appliances, power tools, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers/curling irons, scales, timers, sewing machines, treadmills and more. To view a full list of accepted products visit

The environmental handling fees you pay on electronics in BC are managed by Encorp and there are drop-off locations at the Invermere Bottle Depot, Cranbrook Bottle Depot, Fernie Bottle Depot, and Kimberley, Elkford, and Sparwood Transfer Stations. They accept a wide range of electronics, including: televisions, computers, monitors, fax machines, DVD/VHS players, stereos, MP3 players, speakers, earphones, microphones, telephones, radios, vehicle audio and video systems, etc. To view a more complete list of acceptable products visit

Oil, Oil Filters & Antifreeze
The BC Used Oil Management Association (BCUOMA) oversees the used oil program in BC. There are several depots throughout the region. Ensure every drop of used oil and antifreeze, every filter and every container is brought to a collection facility so it can be disposed of properly. The RDEK has Used Oil Depots at the Cranbrook, Fernie, and Kimberley transfer stations. To find a drop-off location near you visit

There are many drop-off locations for paint and aerosol paint throughout the East Kootenay. Containers must be sealed in paint containers and clearly labeled. If paint cans are dried out and there is no liquid left, the cans can go in the garbage. To find a drop-off location near you visit

Light bulbs & Fixtures
LightRecycle is the BC residential light recycling program. Accepted products include incandescent lights, LEDs, compact fluorescent, tube fluorescent light bulbs, lighting fixtures, lamps, string lights, and much more. To find a drop-off location in your area visit

Tire Stewardship BC collects an eco fee when you buy tires to pay for transporting and recycling of old tires. There are depots that take up to 4 tires at a time free of charge throughout the East Kootenay. To find a depot near you visit

Batteries & Cellphones
Alkaline and rechargeable batteries as well as cellphones are recyclable. There are many drop-off locations throughout the region. To find a drop-off location near you visit

Outdoor Power Equipment
Mowers, lawn tractors, snow blowers and gardening tools – corded, battery powered or fuel powered can be recycled at many locations throughout the East Kootenay. To find a location near you visit

Smoke Alarms & CO2 Alarms
There are drop off locations for used or expired smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms throughout the East Kootenay. To find a drop-off location near you visit

Unused and expired medicines can be returned to pharmacies participating in the Medications Return Program. to find participating location near you visit

Regional Household Hazardous Waste Depot at the Cranbrook and Fernie Transfer Stations.

The RDEK has year-round Household Hazardous Waste Depots at the Cranbrook Transfer Station and the Fernie Transfer Station. Any residents with any of the accepted materials listed in this brochure can take the items free of charge to either of the transfer stations for safe disposal.
If you are in any way unsure whether a product is accepted, feel free to contact the RDEK 250-489-2791, 1-888-478-7335,

You can also try the Provincial recycling database here: or use the Q&A tool below to ask your recycling questions or view the questions/answers from others!