
Memorial Arena Recycling Bins to be Removed

20 May 2020

The yellow recycling bins at the Memorial Arena in Cranbrook will be removed at the end of the month.

Both the RDEK and City of Cranbrook have had increasing concern regarding the bins at the arena and the City has formally requested the bins be removed. “One of the primary issues at this site is safety as our drivers routinely encounter people inside the bins. In spite of repeated warnings and the drivers’ best efforts to check the bins, we are concerned about the potential for someone to get trapped in a bin as it is being dumped,” explains RDEK Environmental Services Manager Kevin Paterson. “In addition, we have had numerous and ongoing complaints as people routinely abuse the site by leaving recyclables and garbage in and around the bins, smashing glass in the parking lot and leaving the lids open so recyclables blow into neighbouring properties. While we recognize that the bins are sometimes full, there is never an excuse to leave things on or around bins.”

To try to address this issue, the contractor increased the pick up schedule, the RDEK installed litter fencing behind the bins and had a staff member visit the site once per day Monday through Friday to do a litter pick. “We have stressed to the public that if we aren’t responsible in how we use these bins, we may lose them and that is where we find ourselves today,” adds Paterson.

Users will be able to use the Recycle BC Depot at the Cranbrook Transfer Station or any of the other yellow bins around the City.

The Recycle BC Depot accepts a wide range of items that are not accepted in the local yellow bin program. Plus, the RDEK is paid by Recycle BC for every tonne of product collected, which saves tax dollars. Some of the items that are accepted at the Recycle BC Depot include Styrofoam, #7 plastics, milk substitutes, zippered bags like Ziplocs and pet food bags, aerosol cans and more. None of these items can be recycled in the yellow bins.

“While the Recycle BC Depot does require some sorting, the reality is, everything that currently is accepted in one yellow bin goes into one of two bins at the new depot. The rest of the bins on site are for new items that cannot go in the yellow bins. So, if people don’t want to access all the new recycling opportunities, it’s not that much different,” adds Paterson.

The yellow bin system only accepts paper, cardboard, tin/aluminum cans, grocery/shopping bags and plastics #1-#6.

The yellow bins at the arena site will be removed May 29th. For more information on the Recycle BC Depot system, visit