
New Official Community Plan Process Gets Underway for Panorama Area

12 March 2019

A new planning process will soon be underway for the Panorama Area.

“The current Official Community Plan (OCP) was adopted in 1999 and was based heavily on a Concept Development Plan prepared by the previous owner of Panorama Mountain Resort,” explains RDEK Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok. “Over the past twenty years there has been significant growth and change in the area, much of which is not recognized in the current OCP, so it is time to update it.”

Recognizing the varied ownership, and that many property owners live outside the area, the RDEK will be adding a new online engagement component. “We will be working directly with the Resort and stakeholders, and will continue to have Open Houses and face-to-face opportunities for residents; however, we will also be adding a new digital engagement aspect to the consultation process to enable the widest participation possible,” says Planner Karen MacLeod.

The RDEK will be hosting an introductory Open House on March 23 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the Copper Crown Conference Room at Panorama Mountain Resort. The Open House will introduce the process and project milestones and begin the conversation with the community about what is important to them. “The goal of updating the OCP is to ensure it reflects the community’s vision for the future of the area and having the community’s participation is key to ensuring we achieve that goal,” adds Clovechok.

The OCP covers properties within the Panorama Mountain Resort and a small number of private properties surrounding it. It is expected to take about a year to complete.

An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a long term strategic planning document that reflects the community’s vision for the future while providing a policy framework to promote greater certainty in land use decision making by the Regional District Board.

More information about the Panorama Area OCP planning process is available on
