The RDEK’s Fairmont Hot Springs Hazard Guidance Project is aimed at:

  • Developing and considering policies that can further guide development and land use in the identified hazard areas within Fairmont Hot Springs; and,
  • Increasing community awareness and understanding of the debris flow and debris flood hazard and risks associated with Cold Spring Creek and Fairmont Creek.

The project is 100% grant funded through a Union of BC Municipalities Grant and will not have any impact on taxes oustide of staff time). It is being led by consultants from BGC Engineering and Pinna Sustainability with support from the RDEK Planning team.

Latest Project Update - February 15, 2025

The Fairmont Hazard Guidance Project was an item on the February 2025 Electoral Area Services Committee. The project team provided an update on Thursday afternoon as direction was being sought from the Board on the policy approach the Board would like to see developed. This project is focused solely on policy development. A copy of the presentation is available on this project page under the Presentations Tab.

The Board has provided direction to staff and the project team that the policy framework should be based on two factors:

  • hazard probability, and
  • risk tolerance.

With this direction, the next step in the project will be for the project team to develop a Recommendation Report that will provide guidance on how to best manage development within hazard areas from a risk management perspective. The report is expected to include draft policies and is anticipated to take approximately four months to complete. Once the report has been completed, it will be shared with the Board and public.

It is important to emphasize that currently, the focus is solely on policy development. There will be broader public consultation prior to any implementation and this will be communicated in advance so residents are aware and have an opportunity to provide input.

October 31 - Meeting Recording

To help introduce the project and gather input from the community, the RDEK hosted an introductory Zoom Meeting. Here is the link to that meeting: