The RDEK provides well over 100 different services, and each year, the Board adopts a Five-Year Financial Plan.

The budget process itself starts in September of the prior year with staff updating the financial plan and meeting with the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer. There are also meetings with Electoral Area Directors, Commissions, and other parties. This process takes several months and leads to the development of the DRAFT Five-Year Financial Plan.

The DRAFT Plan is presented to the Board each year during a Special Budget Meeting - which was held this year on February 12, 2025. During this meeting and the February Committee and Board Meetings the following two days, the Board suggested changes and revisions to the DRAFT Plan.

Following the Board Meeting on Friday, the Chief Financial Officer has put all the requested changes into an updated DRAFT Plan:

One of the tricky parts about communicating (and understanding) the Financial Plan lies in the way Regional Districts work. Unlike a municipality that has one boundary and one set of taxpayers (where everyone within the municipal boundaries pays), Regional Districts in BC are based on service areas. So, for every one of the more than 100 services the RDEK offers, there is a boundary for that service area, and everyone within the service area pays for (and receives the benefit of) that service. What that means is that we have over 100 different “boundaries” with over 100 different sets of taxpayers. SO, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE BUDGET?

Well, how the budget will impact you depends entirely on what part of the RDEK you live/own property in and what combination of services are offered there. For example, if you live in Electoral Area C everyone will pay the same rate for the line item on their tax notice called “Reg Dist East Kootenay Area C”, but people living in Gold Creek will also be paying for Cranbrook Rural Fire Protection. At the same time, people in Wardner (which is also in Area C) don't have fire protection, but they pay a different line item for Wardner Street Lighting.

The public comment period will be open until Noon on March 10. Our staff are happy to answer your questions related to RDEK services and how they impact you all year-round. So, if you have questions, please let us know. You can reach Chief Financial Officer Holly Ronnquist at or 250-489-2791.


